To really help our faith grow, we need to be physically involved in the work of the Church. You are encouraged to review this section of the website and prayerfully decide how you are called to become more involved in our parish life. For more information on any of these ministries, please call the Parish Office 361-592-3489
Lectors have the important responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God to the community during the celebration of Mass. Volunteers should have a special love for God's word, be willing to train and prepare for this ministry, and the ability to project their voices well over our parish sound systems. For more information, contact the coordinator, Patsy R Garza at 361-779-4577
Eucharistic ministers proclaim the presence of Christ by helping with the distribution of Holy Communion at daily and Sunday masses. Training is offered several times a year and commissioning is for a three-year period. They come early to help prepare for liturgies for daily and Sunday masses. They are responsible for setting up sacred vessels for liturgies and seeing that everything is put away afterwards. This is a very important ministry and we are always looking for people to help in this area. For more information, contact the coordinator, Velma Sanchez at 361-539-7430
Eucharistic Ministers of Care are Eucharistic ministers who also bring the Eucharist to the home bound, the hospital, and others who cannot join our community in Mass. We offer Communion Services and visitations at the local assisted living facilities. Home, hospital, rest home, and assisted living visitations are done each Sunday and can also be done during the week. For more information, contact the coordinator.
The Ministry of Altar Servers is open to all boys and girls at least 10 years old that have received their First Communion. Training is offered periodically throughout the year. For more information, contact the coordinator, Kristy Silguero at 361-522-2367
Music is an important part of the weekly liturgy in our parish, and we are always looking for new people to join us. We are continuously in need of singers, instrumentalists and leaders. Our music styles range from traditional choir to contemporary to teen group and two Spanish music groups.
The Liturgy Committee helps to plan and facilitate the parish celebrations for Sundays and Holy Days. Our aim is to make our liturgies more meaningful and to enhance the experience of community worship. A background in liturgy and/or music is helpful but not necessary.
The primary purpose of this committee is to create a visual environment for worship that reflects the themes of the liturgical season and Lectionary readings. The message of the Good News is related in colors, shapes, texture, and symbols. Any artistic talent such as sewing, drawing, carpentry, and interior decorating is welcome. This committee will closely coordinate its work with all the liturgical ministries. For more information, contact the coordinator, Gracie Mercado at 361-446-1627
The Children's Liturgy of the Word ministry works in planning and implementing the breaking open of the Word for children each Sunday throughout the parish. We, as a faith community, are responsible to see that our children are shaped and formed by God's Word just as we are. Having a separate liturgy of the Word for the children allows us to use teaching methods and examples that are geared especially for children rather than adults. Experience with liturgy, music, or drama is helpful but not necessary. Training is provided to those who volunteer. For more information, contact the coordinator, Mary Pena at 361-455-8929
Ushers greet members of the assembly and help to set a welcoming atmosphere to Sunday liturgies. They assist people in finding seats, take up the Sunday offering, direct people during reception of the Eucharist, and help with any problems that might arise. They also take care of the collection after Mass and see that it gets to the proper place. Hospitality ministers are primarily called to welcome both friends and guests at Sunday liturgy. This ministry greatly influences the atmosphere of Sunday worship. A sincere, helpful attitude and a warm, friendly smile are required. All ages welcome, and training is provided. For more information, contact the parish office.
Altar Servers : Kristy Silguero (361)522-2367
Altar Society: (361)446-1627
CCD/RCIC : Mary Pena (361)-455 -8929
Eucharistic Ministry : Velma Sanchez (361)539-7430
Lectors : Patsy R Garza (361)779-4577
Ministry of Intercession: Noelia Mendietta (361)488-8321
Parish Council :
Finance Council : Martha Soliz (361)522-3199
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