Infants receive the Sacrament of Baptism at less than catechetical age, generally 5 years or younger. For infant baptism, parents are required to take instruction aimed at understanding their role in the faith formation of their children. Call the parish office to receive information about classes and how to begin this process. This program is facilitated by couples and individuals from the parish who have volunteered for this ministry.
Catholics typically are confirmed in high school as part of our youth program. However, we frequently get adults who are not confirmed and would like to be confirmed. We are offering several series of classes for adults seeking confirmation. Call the parish office for more information.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process established for the universal Church for individuals, eighteen years or older, to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion (Eucharist) Whom is RCIA for?
For more information call the parish office: 361-592-3489
Altar Servers : Kristy Silguero
Art & Sanctuary decoration - Gracie Mercado
CCD/RCIC : Mary Pena 361 455 8929
Eucharistic Ministry : Velma Sanchez
Baptismal Preparation : Terrie Johnson
Lectors : Patsy R. Garza
Offertory Counting : Martha Soliz
Finance Council : Martha Soliz
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